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mantis:ide_simulator:uhd [2021/04/02 05:09]
mantis:ide_simulator:uhd [2023/10/02 03:29] (current)
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 ==== Roland SP808[EX] ==== ==== Roland SP808[EX] ====
-Note: This feature is experimental - it's quite different to the other features in the firmware, all of which generally involve simulating read-only media.+//Note: This feature is experimental - it's quite different to the other features in the firmware, all of which generally involve simulating read-only media.//
 Support for the Roland SP808/EX is provided by implementing the SCSI "Ultra-High Density Floppy" specification. This basically implements a normal read/write device but with a few extra commands dealing with formatting. There's also a few vendor-specific commands that the Roland expects. Support for the Roland SP808/EX is provided by implementing the SCSI "Ultra-High Density Floppy" specification. This basically implements a normal read/write device but with a few extra commands dealing with formatting. There's also a few vendor-specific commands that the Roland expects.
mantis/ide_simulator/uhd.1617340147.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/10/02 03:29 (external edit)